Worksheets teach to subtract

Lesson 5-7 Subtraction by Finding the Difference (worksheets)

Lesson 5: We know how to subtract by “taking away”. Another model of subtraction (which is sometimes easier) is using a comparison and “finding the difference”. Compare each pair of pictures and find the difference. Circle what was taken away from the first picture, and write the difference in the last column. See the example below.

Worksheet for the lesson

Subtraction lesson 5 worksheets pdf download
Lesson 6: Compare the top row and the bottom row to find the difference. Circle the difference, and write down the value. Notice how you can count up to find the difference instead of having to count backwards.

Worksheet for the lesson

Subtraction lesson 6 worksheets pdf download
Lesson 7 Part 1: Compare the top row and the bottom row and find the difference. Circle the difference, and write down the value. Notice how you don’t have to count backwards to find the difference. Notice that when you found the difference, you started with the smaller number, and then you counted up until you got to the larger number. Part 2: Find the difference. Compare Problem E and Problem F. Which problem was easier to solve? E • Problem E shows 25 – 23. • Problem F shows 21 – 3. Problem E was easier because 25 and 23 are closer together in value than 21 and 3. Part 3: Find the difference. Since these numbers are close together in value, start with the smaller number, then count up to the larger number. Most of these problems are from Zone 2 on the addition chart (single-digit minuend), and the difference for all these problems will be 1, 2, or 3.

Worksheet for the lesson

Subtraction lesson 7 worksheets pdf download